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Coherix 3D Lateral Tracking™

Maintain Bead-to-Edge Distance.

Coherix 3D Lateral Tracking software eliminates the need to re-program the dispensing robot every time a new lot of parts arrive. Lateral Tracking creates robot path modifications to maintain bead-to-edge distance to overcome part-to-part variation throughout the adhesive dispensing process. Using the raw measurements provided by Coherix 3D, robots dynamically adapt to each part’s individual variations in real time, maintaining optimal bead location, which is critical to bead quality and adhesion.

Say goodbye to scrapped parts caused by parts with high variability. Lateral Tracking adapts to part-to-part variation in real time to control the robot path and ensure specified sealant and adhesive bead location on the part.

Control Adhesive Bead Location with Lateral Tracking

Benefits for Manufacturers

  • Reduces material squeeze out
  • Eliminates scrapped parts
  • Improves bead quality and adhesion
  • Reduces downtime
  • Provides traceability


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